Codependency is a complex and often misunderstood concept, but it’s one that often plays a role in the dynamics of substance use, addiction, and mental health. It represents an interplay of emotional, psychological, and relational factors that impact individuals and shape their connections with others.
At its core, codependency involves one person’s excessive reliance on another, often to an unhealthy degree. Codependent individuals tend to prioritize the needs, desires, and emotions of others over their own, sometimes to their own detriment.
Codependent behavior can manifest in a lot of different ways, including being overly accommodating, feeling overly responsible for the happiness of others, and neglecting one’s own needs and boundaries. Understanding and overcoming codependency involves learning to recognize the delicate balance between healthy interdependence and the detrimental effects that stem from excessive reliance on others.
Characteristics and Traits of Codependent Individuals
Codependent individuals typically exhibit several common traits and characteristics:
- Low self-esteem
- Depression
- Difficulty setting boundaries
- Difficulty with Independence
- Excessive caretaking
- Fear of rejection
- People-pleasing
- Control and manipulation
- Difficulty saying “no”
- Difficulty expressing emotions
- Tendency to deny or minimize problems
Different Forms of Codependency
It’s important to note that codependency isn’t confined to a single category of issues. Rather, it can impact people grappling with mental health challenges, substance abuse, and a spectrum of other life situations.
Codependency in Substance Abuse
Enabling behavior: Codependency often involves enabling a substance abuser’s behavior. This can include covering up their actions, making excuses for them, or providing financial support that sustains their addiction.
Emotional dependence: Codependent individuals may become emotionally dependent on the person struggling with addiction. Their self-esteem and sense of purpose may become intertwined with the well-being of the addicted person.
Fear of abandonment: Codependents often fear that setting boundaries or refusing to enable the person struggling with substance use will lead to abandonment or rejection, and this fear can keep them trapped in a cycle of enabling.
Codependency in Mental Health
Caretaking and control: In the context of mental health, codependents often take on the role of caretakers, trying to control and manage the emotional well-being of the individual with mental health issues. This can lead to burnout and further exacerbate mental health challenges for all in the relationship.

Denial and avoidance: Codependent individuals may deny the severity of the mental health issues or avoid addressing them directly. They may engage in denial as a coping mechanism, which can prevent them and loved ones from seeking proper treatment.
Emotional fusion: Codependents may experience emotional fusion, a situation where their emotional well-being is so closely connected to the individual with mental health issues that they struggle to differentiate their feelings from those of the affected person.
Why is Codependency Harmful?
Codependency typically has profound and far-reaching negative consequences for both those who are codependent and the people they have relationships with, and recognizing the harmful effects of codependency is the only way to spur change and foster the development of healthy behavioral patterns.
Negative Consequences for Individuals
One of the most prominent and enduring consequences of codependency is a deep-seated sense of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Constantly prioritizing the needs and desires of others can erode one’s self-worth over time, leaving individuals feeling unfulfilled and undervalued.
Codependency takes a major toll on a person’s emotions. The ceaseless worry, anxiety, and relentless effort to manage others’ problems often leads to emotional exhaustion. Over time, this emotional strain can contribute to burnout and even precipitate various mental health issues.
Codependent individuals often have difficulties pursuing their own personal growth and working towards life goals. When someone is constantly focused on the needs and wants of others, there is little time for them to work on self-development and self-discovery.
Impact on Relationships
Codependency tends to perpetuate unhealthy patterns within relationships. Enabling, manipulation, and conflicts become recurring themes, making it difficult for both individuals involved to break free from these detrimental dynamics.
Within codependent relationships, effective communication is rare. People in codependent relationships often struggle to express their own needs and emotions, leading to frequent misunderstandings and frustrations that put even more strain on those involved.
Over time, the cumulative strain caused by these unhealthy patterns and poor communication lead to resentment and emotional distance, which can build up and ultimately cause the relationship to break down completely.
Hindrance to Recovery and Healing
In cases of substance abuse and addiction, codependency (and enabling behaviors, in particular) can act as a significant obstacle to recovery. It can allow the addicted individual to continue their destructive behavior by shielding them from the consequences of their actions, ultimately hindering their path towards rehabilitation.
Beyond substance abuse, codependency can exacerbate existing mental health issues, and it can even lead to new ones. Codependent patterns and behaviors make it harder for individuals to address their own mental health needs or provide effective support to loved ones who may be struggling with similar problems.
Understanding the various harms caused by codependency underscores the urgency of addressing it, not only for personal growth and well-being but also to preserve and nurture healthier relationships.
How to Overcome Codependency
Seeking Professional Help
Due to the lack of introspection, self-awareness, and perspective inherent in codependent relationships, they can be very difficult to overcome without professional intervention.
Seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor who specializes in treating codependency can help all parties involved get to the root of their behavior and gain valuable perspective that can aid them in developing:
- Healthy coping strategies
- Healthy boundaries
- Healthy and effective communication strategies
- Self-awareness and reflection skills
- Self-care, both emotional and physical
- Support systems
For those in recovery from substance abuse and addiction, addressing codependency in a professional, therapeutic setting is vital for preventing relapse by teaching family members and other loved ones to recognize enabling behaviors that may lead to a return to destructive habits.
Enterhealth Wants to Help
If you or someone you know is struggling due to codependency, we want to help. Our team of experts includes specialists with expertise in dealing with codependent relationships and related issues.
At Enterhealth Ranch and Enterhealth Outpatient Center of Excellence, our comprehensive, evidence-based programs can address codependency in both individuals and families through individual, group, and family therapy, behavioral therapy, psychological counseling and more.
Call 1.800.388.4601 or use our contact form today to get started.