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Enterhealth Supports New U.S. Drug Czar’s Direction on Drugs: Treat Addition As A Brain Disease

By January 4, 2016No Comments

Enterhealth, a Dallas-based drug and alcohol addiction treatment company, has come out in support of the new direction Director of National Drug Control Policy Michael Botticelli recently proposed for changing how we address the nation’s drug problem, along with the stigma and language of addiction. Botticelli, who was appointed as the nation’s “Drug Czar” last year, is helping to garner more attention to the scientific fact that addiction is a brain disease that needs to be treated with medical intervention. Enterhealth Chief Medical Strategist Harold Clifton Urschel III, M.D., M.M.A. is a longtime proponent of this approach, which he addressed in his 2009 New York Times bestseller, Healing the Addicted Brain. Dr. Urschel puts this idea into practice at both the Enterhealth Ranch residential treatment facility and Enterhealth Outpatient Center of Excellence in Dallas, Texas.